I have noticed that the professional training one gets -- or the summary of life experience that replaces training for a specific profession -- strongly affects a person's outlook.
Take a look at the professional training of the men and women on the presidential tickets, both Democratic and Republican, of the last several years and a trend emerges. To make it easy, I have put one particular profession in bold type.
(D) Obama --
Lawyer(D) Biden --
Lawyer(R) McCain -- Military Leadership
(R) Palin -- Communications
(D) Kerry --
Lawyer(D) Edwards --
Lawyer(R) Bush -- Business Administration
(R) Cheney -- Political Science
(D) Gore -- Journalism; law school (did not graduate)
(D) Lieberman --
Lawyer(R) See Bush/Cheney above
(D) Clinton --
Lawyer(D) Gore -- See above
(R) Dole --
Lawyer(R) Kemp -- Physical Education & Professional Athletics
(D) See Clinton/Gore above
(R) G.H.W. Bush -- Economics & Business Management
(R) Quayle -- Political Science and
(D) Dukakis --
Lawyer(D) Bentsen --
Lawyer(R) See Bush/Qualye above
(D) Mondale --
Lawyer(D) Ferraro --
Lawyer(R) Reagan -- Economics
(R) GHW Bush -- see above
(D) Carter -- Engineering & Military Leadership
(D) See Mondale above
(R) See Reagan/Bush above
(R) Ford -- Economics, Political Science,
Lawyer(R) See Dole above
(D) McGovern -- Theology, History
(D) Shriver --
Lawyer(R) Nixon --
Lawyer(R) Agnew --
LawyerThere is a clear trend here. The Democrats are the party of lawyers, the Republicans the party of every other career. If I had stopped before the Nixon era, the difference would be even more profound.
Lawyers are trained to be advocates, and to take a us-versus-them view. They see the answer to every problem in the law.